Confessions of a Fashion Freak

Confessions of a fashion freaks

My path in the fashion world

My path in the fashion world started at the age of 13, when I already knew which direction I wanted to follow (I have proof of it). I entered an art course in high school, where I started my (and now) book collection. By the time I was at university, two fashion classmates had called me ‘Benilde of the books’.

Years passed, I finished my degree, got a master’s degree in Fashion Design, and went to work for a company in the fashion industry. I had the opportunity to work with some of the most well-known brands in the fashion industry until I was 26 years old. When I decided to do something different in fashion, it had to be something different.

The universe wanted me to do a PhD in Fashion Design, which gave me a lot of pleasure by doing it, although it was pretty challenging, brought me instability and gave me a lot of work. However, it was like a breath of fresh air had hit me in the summer, but with knowledge.

While developing my thesis about genderless clothing, my passion for researching and writing about fashion was born. In this way, I would like to share what I like, what fashion is, and what I think about fashion digitally, in the form of a blog. Nevertheless, it took me some time to find a name to identify myself and what I wanted to do, communicate and what this magazine eventually would be.

And so, ´The Worth of Fashion´ is born.


Confessions of a Fashion Freak

Charles F. Worth is known as the father of haute couture. Although I am not the first blogger, I hope to take a different approach from what we see in our daily life in blogs and sites that talk about fashion. The worth of fashion is what I pretend to find. Throughout this project that I am developing, I intend to be built, explore the corners of fashion, and discover fashion’s value by writing about something that I love and fascinated by.

Through this personal project, I intend to write more than just about fashion, but what leads to certain fashion items being icons, eventually writing about political-social and artistic events that influenced and continue to influence fashion. Every month there will be rubrics like the ‘Book of the Month’ and ‘My Clothes & I’, which I will explain in a timelier way, alternating these fixed weekly rubrics with other random posts on ‘Fashion Reports’.

I will prepare much more. Stay tuned.

Credits: Photo by Tiago Pinheira @tiagopinheiraphoto

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